Meet the people who will train you
as a professional life coach
and business coach

Creating and expanding
your coaching career

dr. Bille Price trainer of business caoches and life coaches

Dr. Bill Price

Bill started his professional coaching career in 1985. Since then he has formally logged about 40,000 hours of coaching – including the coaching of:

  •  individuals, C-suite leaders, managerscoaches and groups;
  • national and international businesses, NGO’s’s, Government and African Royalty;
  • mergers and acquisitions
  • board audits and context Specific Designed Profiles
  • 360 Feed-In interventions
  • Climate/Organisational Profile development
  • Transitions of small companies into national companies

He has been presentating coaching training courses since 2000 – amongst others training courses for:

  • Life coaches
  • business coaches
  • executive coaches
  • master coaches
  • leadership coaches

Bill has a PhD in management sciences with specific focus on coaching of African Leaders within a Global context. He is currently an internationally acclaimed tought leader in the area of Executive Strategic Leadership – working more specifically with leadership in the context of a unfolding disruptive reality. In 2018 he received in an honorary PhD for his work on leadership development in Africa.

He and his research team have developed the Future-Focused ProfileTM based on the 21st Century world of work competencies. They also developed several assessment instruments for life and business coaching.

Bill is a member of the international futurist group FORESIGHT and focuses on trend development within the Anglo African Countries.

He is qualified in Neuroscience Coaching for Leadership and is a International Master Practitioner in Neurolinguistic Science technology.

dr. Bille Price trainer of business caoches and life coaches

Serelda Price

Serelda was coached by Bill,
is a master coach with 20,000 logged coaches hours,
and has been part of the development team
that created and present the coaching courses that are currently available.

dr. Bille Price trainer of business caoches and life coaches

If you have any questions about our training

or want to make an appointment with me,

please call me at:

(+27) 74 1981 364