Certified and Accredited
Life and Business
Coaching courses

Life and Business Coaching Programs,
Created to help you become a
professional life or business coach

VIP Coach Training Institute has been one of the preferred providers of
Life Coaching, Business Coaching, and Executive Coaching courses
since 2002.





Not all coaching qualifications/certificates  are created equally.

If you are considering a career in coaching (or just enriching and broadening your current career), you have to make sure that you choose a course:

  • that is professionally and nationally accredited;
  • that adheres to the latest content and teaching standards;
  • that adds to your personal dvelopment inventory;
  • and that is built on sound academic and practical knowledge.

Only then will it be recognized in the world of work where you will use this knowledge.

Here are some of the reasons why VIP Coach Training Institute
became one of the preferred providers for
life, business and executive coach training courses since 2002:

Courses acknowledged by professional body for coaching (COMENSA)


People are increasingly seeking the services of a professional coach as they navigate through the challenges of their personal and professional lives. Coaches and Mentors of South Africa (COMENSA) was launched worldwide in April 2006 as professional associations representing the coaching and mentoring professions in South Africa recognized by SAQA.

Coaches and coach training providers that are accredited at Comensa…

  • have to undergo the COMENSA evaluation process to determine if their work is in accordance with the required COMENSA Behavioural Standards Framework… and pass it with a mark of at least 70%;
  • sign and are bound by the COMENSA Code of Ethics and Conduct – giving you peace of mind about their professionalism and credibility;
  • have to proof their expertise… AND log the required hours of coaching/training;
  • submit to an ethics complaints procedure whereby ethical queries and complaints regarding members may be submitted to the Ethics Committee for review and processing;

To ensure that coach training adheres to high standards, COMENSA subjects training providers to a rigorous assessment and evaluation before they can become COMENSA credentialed member who has earned a COMENSA professional designation.

VIP Coach Training Institute is registered at COMENSA and recognized on the highest level (gold) as a Coach/Mentor Training Courses Provider (i.e. one that is SETA aligned, and courses quality assured by COMENSA). This means that both the life coaching course and the business coaching course are officially approved courses at COMENSA.

Quality of Training Courses
accredited and moderated by SABPP


The SABPP (South African Board of People Practices) is an autonomous, professional body that ensures quality in the Human Resources profession since 1982. When HR professionals register with SABPP, the professional level of their work is independently evaluated (audited)…

  •  regularly/annually,
  • on different levels of professionalism
  • against a specific competency model;
  • by using feedback from trainees/students
  • – generating an independent and objective report (external verification) on the quality of the trainers and the training.

 VIP Coach Training Institute is registered short course training provider with SABPP in the category: Mentoring and /or Coaching. The result is that the presentation and management of the life coach and business coach training courses are annually modrated by SABPP.

During the past three years,
VIP’s life and business training courses
received an  overall average score of 87.6% from students.

Learn more about the moderation process of our life coaching and business coaching courses at SABPP’s website

Also certificates by an independent, professional body


A certificate is a certificate is a certificate? Not really!

Sometimes coaching trainers (especially when it comes to online coach training) will tell you that coaching is an unregulated field, implying that you do not need any degree specific to coaching to operate as a coach. Or (for that matter) any certification.

And when it comes to certificates, it is extremely easy with today’s media to create and print a very impressive certificate. Anyone can do it. And anyone can give you a certificate of attendance or completion of a coaching training course.

These certificates, however, do not give you the credentials to either become a professional coach. Or to persuade business owners that you are a qualified (and recognized) coach.

Growth in the field of coaching, as well as people’s demand for quality coaching, has led to the establishment of standards and ethical guidelines for coaching. Worldwide. It is therefore no longer viable to just get any certificate. You need one that is accredited and recognized in the world of work where you will be operating as a coach.

The certificate you get from VIP Coach Training Institute

  • is SAQA accredited and registered;
  • is recognized by Comensa as a professional coaching certificate;
  • and is issued and underwritten by SABPP as proof of the highest quality of training.

Coaching courses internationally aligned and recognized


Coaching (Life, Business, Career, Executive, etc.) is a rapidly growing and developing profession in terms of it’s  theories and models; methodology and techniques; scope of practice; standards and ethics; etc.

This trend makes it of the utmost importance to keep up with the most recent developments in the field of coaching and training of coaches. Consequently VIP Coach Training Institute is affliated with and recognized with different international bodies and training institutions that invest in the development of better coaching theory and practices:

  • The International Coaching Association (https://international-coaching-association.com/) – an independent, international network of professors, top-coaches and assessment-specialists with the mission to raise the standard of coaching around the globe.
  • The Institute of Coaching affilated with Harvard (https://www.instituteofcoaching.org/) – an organization dedicated to ensuring scientific integrity in the field of coaching.
  • The International Association of Professional Life Coaches (https://iaplifecoaches.org/) – a non-profit organization that is committed to helping life coaches create a profitable business.
  • The International Coaching Council (https://www.international-coaching-council.com/) – an internationally recognized coach training accreditation body (since 1994) with the goal of elevating the quality of the coaching profession.
  • CR Coach Register – an organization that records and certifies coaches and is known as the the worldwide quality mark for trained professional coaches
  • The Association for Integrative Psychology (http://www.aiponline.org/) – a non-profit organization that promotes awareness and acceptance of complementary, alternative, and integrative approaches as viable ways to facilitate change.

Our affiliation with these institutions gives the additional benefit that your Life coaching and business coaching training  is recognized internationally.

Online coaching courses to make training more accessible


VIP Coaching Training is a 100% online training and certification. But, then, this is nothing new. Online coaching is here to stay. And it will only grow as time passes. Mostly because it has several distinct advantages/benefits:

Online study is more flexible. You can create a learning schedule that matches your learning speed and suit your sleeping pattern. And then you can learn at your own pace to reach your goals. Even take a break from their studies when needed.

You can study from anywhere – making coaching training courses available to remote areas. And to wherever you are on holiday. Or when you move to another town or city.

You can study from the comfort of your home. Our online program means you can gain your life and business coaching certification from the comfort of your own home: no need to take time off work and family responsibilities, no need to travel, stay in guest houses, and all the other inconveniences associated with attending a live training.

Online coaching courses cost less due to a variety of reasons. For example, costs that are related to transport and accommodation don’t affect the online student.

You can watch the training videos repeatedly – as many times as is necessary for you to master the content of the training material.

VIP Coaching Certificate courses are home study programs. BUT… you will not be on your own when you study. As we guide you through your qualification step by step, you will have access to a wealth of content, interaction with trainers, and interactive webinars.

Up to date theories and practices used in Coach training


Coaching is not an entirely new profession. It is related to, has grown from, and shares a similar knowledge base with other professions like psychologists, counselors, social workers, trainers, HR professionals, Human Potential Development, etc.

Although these professions are distinguished (both in terms of the underlying theory and the accompanying practices), they continuously influence one another. An example: some coaches will define their coaching style in terms of the underlying psychological theory. They will call themselves narrative coaches. And then, to a large extent, use narrative techniques in the way they do coaching.

To be an effective coach you need to draw on as large a knowledge base as possible. And to keep up with the newest developments in the different underlying spheres of knowledge.

The VIP Coaching courses draw on a wide array of knowledge bases to utilize the best from different worlds, including the most up to date knowledge on:

  • coaching and coach training;
  • mentoring;
  • integrative psychology;
  • neuro-linguistic programming (NLP);
  • neuroscience;
  • adult learning;
  • organization management;
  • personal development; and
  • change management;

To train you to be an effective coach, we integrate the knowledge from all these fields into the models we use for training and coaching.

 Course content integrated with extensive coaching and mentoring experience


Robert Greene’s research (reported in his book “Mastery”) established the fact that excellence in any field is largely dependent on a long apprenticeship in any field (work or task) you want to master. For (according to him) mastery is only achieved via practical experience. And it is dependent on the intuitive feel for your work that comes with experience in doing the work and solving problems that prevent you from doing the work effectively. Daniel Goleman’s practical intelligence (as a prerequisite for excellence) corresponds with the findings of Robert Greene.

The best way to fast track your learning curve is to learn from the experience, insight, wisdom, and practical expertise of others.

That is why we’ve woven the experience of our trainers into VIP’s life coaching and business coaching training courses:

  • All team members are qualified on the level of a master coach (And beyond) and are actively involved in training – giving you access to a wealth of insight and wisdom that will enhance your expertise as a coach;
  • their combined experience (including dr. Bill Price’s 38,000 formally logged hours of real-life life, business, and executive coaching) gives you access to practical intelligence that will excel your development as a coach;
  • the unique assessments and profiles developed by the team will give you practical instruments that will greatly enhance your effectiveness as a coach.


blog posts: Past and present

Objections CEOs might have to professional coaching

Coaching can be beneficial to CEOs in many ways. Yet, there may also be some objections that CEOs might have against personal coaching processes, such as: Time constraints: CEOs may feel that they do not have enough time to dedicate to coaching sessions, especially if...

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Why CEOs request the help of professional business coaches

CEOs of companies may request to work with a coach for a variety of reasons, amongst others: To improve leadership skills and develop a better understanding of their role as a leader. To gain a fresh perspective on their organization and its operations. To develop...

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Overview of the CEO Coaching Process

Coaching CEOs typically involves several stages. The first stage involves an initial assessment of the CEOs’ strengths and challenges. This assessment can be done through interviews, questionnaires, or other assessments. The coach then works with the CEOs to develop a...

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Coaching CEO’s of companies in South Africa

CEOs are responsible for leading their organizations and making strategic decisions that can impact the company's success. As such, coaching them can be an instrumental step in ensuring that they make the best decisions possible and and handle the challenges that...

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The difference between coaching and mentoring Revisited

Rising demand for mentoring (mentors) and coaching (coaches) In recent years the demand for mentors and coaches has risen exponentially. And the main reason behind this: more and more executives, managers and other specialists are expected to be involved in...

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Coaching… Mentoring… What’s the difference?

Coaching and mentoring One of the most frequent questions that prospective students ask, is: “What is the difference between a coach and a mentor… between coaching and mentoring?” While both are used as professional development tools and most of the skills required...

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A Simple Model for business coaching

One of the best ways to get better at nondirective coaching is to try conversing using the GROW model, devised in the 1980s by Sir John Whitmore and others. GROW involves four action steps, the first letters of which give the model its name. It’s easy to grasp...

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Understanding styles in business coaching

To get managers thinking about the nature of coaching, and specifically how to do it better in the context of their company, we present them with a matrix. One axis shows the information, advice, or expertise that a coach puts in to the relationship with the person...

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The challenge to coach… and the obstacles

For leaders who are accustomed to tackling performance problems by telling people what to do, a coaching approach often feels too “soft.” What’s more, it can make them psychologically uncomfortable, because it deprives them of their most familiar management tool:...

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The new face of business coaching

In the face of rapid, disruptive change, companies are realizing that command-and-control leadership is no longer viable. As a result, many firms are moving toward a coaching model in which managers coaches workers and facilitate problem solving. There was a time when...

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dr. Bille Price trainer of business caoches and life coaches

If you have any questions about our training

or want to make an appointment with me,

please call me at:

(+27) 74 1981 364